Find Your Perfect Sales Partner in Finland

Looking to expand your network with sales partners from Finland? Xport can make it happen!

Why do a Partner Search with us?

  • Quick Results: We understand the importance of finding the right partners. With our streamlined process, you'll be connected with potential partners in no time.
  • Tailored Approach: We start by understanding your needs and preferences. Whether you're seeking direct customers or sales partners, we create a detailed profile of the ideal match for your business.

How It Works

  1. Define Your Goals: Before we begin, we'll work with you to confirm your objectives and target audience.
  2. Create Your Profile: Based on your requirements, we'll craft a customized profile of the type of partner you're seeking.
  3. Search and Connect: Using our extensive network and local expertise, we'll identify and reach out to companies that align with your profile.
  4. Meetings: We will organise meetings and prepare you for the meetings.

Why Choose Us?

  • Local Expertise: Our native team members possess in-depth knowledge of the Finnish market, culture, and language, ensuring efficient communication and effective partnerships.
  • Efficiency: With our assistance, identifying and connecting with potential customers or distributors becomes a breeze, saving you time and resources.

Get Started Today

Don't miss out on valuable partnerships in Finland. Let Partner Search be your guide to success.

Reach out to us now to begin your search for the perfect partner!

Marko Luoma
+358 45 880 3770

Schedule a video call

  • Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Food manufacturing & processing
  • Subcontracting
  • Construction
  • Pet accessories and food
  • Plastic manufacturing
  • Sports and outdoors equipment
  • Education


"With only two phone calls made by Xport and the conversations they had with the industry umbrella organizations in the U.S. helped us decide what our next steps will be in North America."

ESLA, Sales Manager
Raija Soukka