Starting to export


We have many services designed to help a company to start exporting, including assessment of export operations and making an export plan, and market studies. Market studies include, for example, important information on competitors, pricing in the target country, and a list of potential customers, resellers or partners. A company that starts exporting can also buy the Export Manager For Hire -service from us, which ensures you have enough resources at the beginning of exports.


The export plan will

help you move forward

Professional planning will get your exports started


Partner from the

export market

Faster results with the right partners.


Help with applying

for funding

We make it easier to find the right funding for your company


Market research shows

the direction for export

Researching the export markets saves time and money


Get the most out of

international trade shows

Take an export professional to help with the trade show


Nordic Export

B-to-B Matchmaking

We help the Nordic suppliers to meet with the buyers from all over the world


Sales Pitch workshop

will boost your exports

Effective sales pitch in a foreign language for your specific needs


Export Manager For Hire

to grow your export sales

An external export manager will strengthen your company from the inside.